What’s This Tiny Black Moth with Two Bold White Bars and a Rusty Orange Red Band or Spot Perched on the Wet Sandy Gravel Path?

Last spring I had a fleeting glimpse of what I thought was a butterfly: it was flying in the daytime and had showy white and orange or red marks. It appeared just long enough to tantalize me, then winged away from the path too quickly for me to get a good look. So I was quite pleased to find another one on April 27 puddling on the Culham trail in Riverwood in Mississauga.

What Small Black Moth Has Two Big White Marks and a Rusty Red or Orange Spot?

Photo of Grapevine Epimenis Path on NaturalCrooksDotCom

One thing I noticed was that the shape of this moth’s markings aren’t that obvious when it’s flying quickly away from you. The white marks are actually sort of crescent or partial ring shapes. The orange red rusty bit looks like two dots or spots but is actually a bar of colour across each hind wing.

The vivid markings made it fairly easy to identify this moth as a Grapevine Epimenis.

These moths are quite small. One could stand on my thumbnail with some room to spare.  Most people who walked by while I was taking photos of the moth did not even notice it when it flew up, danced around in front of them, then circled and landed back on the path.

If it perches with its hind wings hidden, a Grapevine Epimenis could look like a black moth with only white spots, a bit like a White-spotted Sable. But if the Grapevine moth flies or opens its wings more fully— suddenly this brilliant red orange flares.

Photo of Grapevine Epimenis Blue Glitter on NaturalCrooksDotCom
This one was so newly emerged that its wings glittered with little blue sparkles.

Quite a few moths have bright colours hidden on their hind wings. Many of them are grouped with the name “Underwing” moths for this reason.

This unexpected vivid burst of colour may be a defensive colour pattern or an attractive one. It might help startle away predators who think they are chasing one animal then are confronted with what seems to be another. Or it might be a way to attract mates and drive off rivals. I haven’t found much yet to explain if one explanation is more likely.

Where Did I See the Grapevine Epimenis Moth?

Strangely enough, although I saw three of these moths on the same April day at Riverwood Conservancy in Mississauga, none of the three was on or even really close to, a grapevine.

There are masses of Riverbank Grapevines, however, throughout the park. Lots of lovely grape leaves will emerge later this spring on which the caterpillars can feast.

The three Epimenis moths I saw were all standing on wet sandy gravel paths in quite widespread parts of the park. Like many moths do, they were tasting the damp ground with their proboscis. I believe they suck up both moisture and some minerals.

Photo of Grapevine Epimenis Drinking April 27 on NaturalCrooksDotCom
You can see it’s “drinking” from the dirt with its strawlike proboscis.

The University of Connecticut website says that adult moths will also visit plum, cherry and sumac flowers to sip nectar. It would be quite pretty to see one of these on a blossom but I don’t expect to be that lucky—at least not this year.

What’s Been Eating These Riverbank Grape Vine Leaves?

I wonder if I’ll be able to find some of the Grapevine Epimenis caterpillars later this year?

Last year I started looking at every grape vine I passed to check for the caterpillars of “Grapevine Skeletonizer” moths. They eat sections of the grape leaves leaving a sort of green lace of veins and stems behind. Pleasingly, I did find a munching herd of Skeletonizer caterpillars.

It may not be as simple to find Grapevine Epimensis caterpillars, though.

Photo of Grapevine Epimenis Antenna on NaturalCrooksDotCom
The moth’s antenna looked metallic in the bright sunshine.

I see on the BugGuide website that they are quite pretty black and white banded caterpillars with orange heads and tails. They look vaguely like Monarch caterpillars.

One image on BugGuide of leaf damage shows small round holes made in the leaf. Many types of caterpillars eat leaves that way, though. Apparently birds check leaves for damage while hunting, so many caterpillars try to eat the mid-parts while leaving the general shape of the leaf intact.

Photo of Riverbank Grape Leaf on NaturalCrooksDotCom
The Riverbank Grape leaf on the left already has some damage, but I saw the Plant Bug that was responsible.

According to the University of Connecticut website, a Grapevine caterpillar often makes a tent-like structure by binding a leaf or leaves together with some silk threads. They often feed while inside the structure presumably where they are less likely to be found by predators.

That could make them quite difficult to spot–especially since I would not feel right destroying a caterpillar’s “nest” to see what’s inside. My curiousity doesn’t trump their need to get on with their lives. Still, I will keep my eyes open in case I see one outside of a nest, perhaps moving to a more tasty leaf.

Photo of Grapevine Epimenis Boxed In April 27 on NaturalCrooksDotCom

It’s always nice to have something else to search for in the parks. It motivates me to spend even more time outside!

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22 thoughts on “What’s This Tiny Black Moth with Two Bold White Bars and a Rusty Orange Red Band or Spot Perched on the Wet Sandy Gravel Path?

    • The sources I’ve read said the caterpillars only eat grape leaves and the Univ of Connecticut website says
      “These caterpillars are generally no cause for concern, and have little to no adverse effects on the overall health of the grape plant.”
      So I don’t think they will do any harm to your garden, although you may not like the way they eat any grape leaves you have.

      If you’re not sure they are the same moths, you may want to catch one to take to a local garden center to be sure it’s not harmful.

  1. March 31, 2020 took a picture of a grapevine epimenis moth in our covered wood deck. In Alexandria KY.

  2. I saw one of these in my back yard on 4/12/20 (near Easton, PA). Thanks for your post – I’m not sure I would have been able to identify it otherwise.

  3. Spotted a few; they like to land in my toes! We do have 2 grapevines in our yard, but I want even close to them!

  4. I just saw one of these tiny moths. I also thought it was a butterfly at first until I looked it up and came across this site. I don’t think there are any grapevines near here, but I am pretty sure there are some milkweeds near by.
    What a wonderful surprise for me as I have never seen one before!

  5. I just saw 2 mating in my backyard, I also thought they were butterfly’s until I googled them. They are very pretty, but would hate them eating up my garden.

  6. For d one stuck to the front of my car in Dexter, MI yesterday. Had a hard time identifying it till I found this page!

  7. I found 4 today (4/7/24) in Green Ridge State Park in western Maryland. There were hundreds of hairstreaks and very plane grey butterflys also. One tiger swallowtail.
    Coltsfoot, spring beautys blooming in great numbers. Wild cherry, pear and red bud trees too.

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