What Large White Wading Bird Is Stalking through the Marshes of Southern Ontario?

I’ve seen a bird almost as large as a Great Blue Heron several times in various marshes in southern Ontario over the past few years. I recognized them immediately because I had also seen them up close nesting in Orlando, Florida. These large white wading birds are Great Egrets but have they moved into Ontario to stay?

Photo of Great Egret Orlando On NaturalCrooksDotCom

This Great Egret is in breeding plumage. The photo was taken in March in Orlando, Florida.

Were Great Egrets Native to Ontario in the Past?

According to the Cornell University AllAboutBirds website more “than 95 percent of the Great Egrets in North America were killed for their plumes in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.” That makes it a bit difficult to know exactly what the original populations were like and where they were distributed.

According to the Environment Canada website “counts in the Great Lakes have greatly increased since the 1970s, and the discovery of new colonies in southern Canada may reflect an ongoing northward expansion of the breeding range.” That doesn’t tell me whether they were nesting here historically but it is encouraging news.

Photo of Great Egret Mallard on NaturalCrooksDotCom

I noticed the Mallards moved quickly out of the way as the Great Egret stalked past them.

Why Am I Only Seeing One Great Egret?

Depending on when and where you see Great Egrets in Ontario you may see only a solitary bird. Great Egrets prefer to nest in colonies but, like Great Blue Herons, they often disperse to hunt.

Later in the summer and early fall, you may also see single birds that are transients. They are either southern birds that have finished nesting for the year and are out exploring or they may be northern birds who have not paired or nested successfully and have dispersed for the season. It’s possible to see young birds, too, who are exploring new territories.

Photo of Great Egret Hunting On NaturalCrooksDotCom

What Do Great Egrets Eat?

Like Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets eat pretty much anything they can catch. They eat lots of small fish and some frogs but will also eat insects, birds, turtles, snakes, and even small mammals if they can catch them.

If I Want to Find a Great Egret in Ontario Where Can I Go?

Two places that might have Great Egrets when you visit are the Luther Marsh Wildlife Management Area and Nottawasaga island. They are usually seen roosting at Luther Marsh in late June through September. You can also check ebird.org for recent sightings closer to you as small numbers of the birds nest and hunt in various parts of the province.

Photo of Great Egret On NaturalCrooksDotCom

Where Can I Report a Sighting of a Tagged Great Egret?

There is a useful article on banding and tagging of Great Egrets in Ontario on the ebird.org website.  It provides an email address to report sightings of tagged birds. In particular, some birds have been marked with, relatively, huge tags to try to determine where they migrate to for the winter. Reports have been submitted of sightings of Ontario birds in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Lesser Antilles and other hot spots.

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Have you seen one of these large white birds pacing quietly through a marsh near you? Please share your sighting with a comment.

130 thoughts on “What Large White Wading Bird Is Stalking through the Marshes of Southern Ontario?

  1. I live in Les Cedres. Quebec, Canada, where I have a horse ranch. The population has been boosted for the last 24 hours by a solitary Great Egret, a bird I haven’t seen here before, patrolling the short grass in the horse paddocks. The Egret is not bothered by the horses and happily approaches them to within a few feet, but a human any closer than about 20 feet prompts it to fly to a safer distance. Beautiful to see.

    • How lovely for you to see! There are two Egrets that often wander up into southern Canada at this time of year: the Great Egret and the Cattle Egret. Cattle Egrets are known to follow large grazing animals to catch the insects that move away when the cow, buffalo, or horse grazes. You may want to do a check on Google for photos of a Cattle Egret if your bird prefers the grasses to the shore. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

      • I wonder if more will start arriving in August? Here in Mississauga I usually see far more in August and September than in July. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Four egrets sighted on the Carp River near Richardson’s Side Road today. Third or fourth sighting of at least one bird at this spot where a piece of riverside parkland is being developed.

  3. I saw an Egret today in Welland, Ontario as I was driving. On my way back into town I pulled up to the spot I’d seen it but it was gone. I’d hoped to get a photo. Will keep an eye out to see if I can spot it again.

  4. July, 26th., 2017 We saw an egret in Port Dover ON & took photos of it. Also, a Lady was taking pictures & told us that she has seen 2 egrets at the same spot.

  5. I visit a marshy area in Milton a few times a week as there are always lots of birds there including a blue heron. Today I was lucky to see a Great Egret catching fish and took many photos of it. Hopefully it will continue to visit the same area.

  6. Two great egrets spotted July 2017 along March Rd. between Almonte and Hwy 417 (west of Ottawa). I had to do a double take as I have never seen them here before. Then two more along the Ottawa River (Brittania Mud Lake area in Ottawa). Exciting!

  7. A Great Egret was sharing a shallow bay on the Ottawa River just east of the Champlain Bridge with a Great Blue Heron this morning. They were both fishing and did not behave aggressively towards each other. What beautiful birds!

  8. Saw one of these beautiful birds as I was padding in my kayak south from Edenvale conservation area in Springwater got within 12 feet before it flew into a tree. There was a great blue heron there at the same time.

  9. I believe that I saw a Great Egret on Valley Inn Rd .
    Got several photos, just before a heavy rain .
    This was about 4;20 PM Aug 17.
    The bird was in shallow water about 25 ft. from my car.

  10. My husband has been seeing a flock of 5-6 Great Egrets every morning for the last 2 weeks in a marsh near Mannheim (village beside Kitchener, On). There is also a Great Blue Heron living in this marsh. Beautiful birds – glad to see they are making a comeback.

  11. I live in St. Marys, Ontario and have 3 in my backyard in a little marsh. Never have I seen 3 at one time as they tend to come early morning and be by themselves. Very unusual to have this many and a Blue Heron on site too.

  12. I saw a group of 4-6 of these beautiful creatures this morning in a small Creek area near my house.
    I would have taken pictures if I knew how uncommon it is to see them. I live in the North end of London Ontario. .

    • They are becoming more common each year in south-western Ontario — but they are still a beautiful bird to watch. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  13. We saw this big white bird this morning , yesterday and last week , the first time I saw is the pond on Iron needle and high land , Kitchener . There is a pond beside Soybey . The last two time it was flying around that area as well .

  14. We have had an Egret hanging around Frenchmans Bay, Pickering for about a month now. Just saw him again this morning. Beautiful!

  15. I believe i saw either a heron or egret today in the Humber river in Toronto. Near Lawrence W and Weston road.

  16. When out golfing at Fescue’s Edge near Oakland, ON, we saw two flying overhead on Thursday Sept. 21st. There is a Marsh on the course which may attract them. It was lovely to see them in flight.

  17. Royal Botanical Gardens Arboretum marsh on October 9, 2017 (Hamilton/Burlington Ontario)

  18. There is a Great Egret that recently appeared in a wetland near Washago, Ontario, that is currently home to a nesting pair of Trumpeter swans that return every year. I think that this bird has gotten one of the eggs already (almost 4 inch long egg, with a small hole about 1.5 inch diameter found about 50m away from the nest on the opposite side of the road), and is still wading and hunting close to the nest, where the female is still sitting (no sign of cygnets yet), and the male is guarding.

    • If they are like Great Blue Herons they will raid nests. Hopefully the parents will keep the Egret away from the remaining eggs. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Watching one today perched high in a tree in Taylor Creek park in Toronto above a pond between Victoria Park Ave and Dawes Rd. First time sighted here. Usually see one or two great blue heron around the area.

    • I wonder if they are new there or if they’ve just been better hidden before? The ones at Col Sam are having a harder time hiding in the day now that so many Ash trees are gone. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Just saw a Great Egret at Lakewood Park in Tecumseh, Ontario, near the Lake St Clair shore. Magnificent.

  21. Took photos of 4 Great Egrets at the McKenzie Wetland, a small marsh at St Johns Side Rd & Yonge St, Aurora. There is also a pair of Mute Swans. Various types of ducks and Cormorants that stand on a dead tree drying their wings. Lots to see on any given day!

  22. We saw a single Great Egret last evening. He was fishing in a pond near the Road. We live in Trenton, ON. We saw one in the air a couple of weeks ago, but this was our real sighting. Magnificent!! I can understand why they were hunted for their plumage.

    • They are very striking birds. When they are in “breeding” plumage, they have even more interesting feathers. I’m glad fashions have changed, though. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Just saw 4 or 5 great egrets on the Carp river near Terry Fox and Richardson Side Road in Ottawa, where the river has been revitalized. I have only ever seen 1 at a time in that area for the past 2 years so it was great to see that many there today. Beautiful birds.

  24. My friend Scott snapped a photo of a beautiful Great Egret on the Kettle Creek in Port Stanley.Ont. On July 28.18. First time in Canada, hoping they migrate here.

  25. I’ve seen one in the water off Toronto island in the water yesterday Aug. 4th 2018. We only saw it from the boat. It was the first time I have ever spotted one of those birds. Very interesting..

  26. Saw a solitary Great Egret at Rouge Marsh on my way to Rouge Beach. Didn’t realize the came this far north but it was great to see. Also saw an otter swimming in the lake near one of the breakers.

  27. Observed 4 Great Egrets feeding along the banks of the St. Lawrence River near the Lost Villages alongside a solitary Great Blue Heron yesterday evening.

  28. My husband and I saw an egret flying over the parking lot of the Ikea Burlington store on August 24/18 @ approx 7:30 pm. Looked like it might have been on its way to the Royal Botanical Gardens. What a thrill!

  29. I have seen one wading through the marsh accross near where I live just outside of Brantford. Yesterday my son and I spooted 4 in the same marsh pearched on some overgrown shrubbery. Not sure wethere they were nesting there.

  30. we saw an egret today September 9 2018 in a pond in Stouffville, at Mantle and Durham road 30. very beautilful. I have seen them in Florida, did not know they were in Ontario now.

    • Yes, they are quite lovely. It’s probable that they are starting to nest in Ontario although most of the ones we see are “post breeding dispersal” birds so far. Thanks!

  31. Just had 4 of them in the creek …absolutely beautiful
    Just this morning in Wheatley
    Was only able to catch two pictures

  32. I just saw 2 of these birds at Columbia Lake in Waterloo, Ontario. (U of W property)
    Great Egret.
    About 2:30 pm.
    Very cool.

  33. We saw one today in Humber River, down the way along the Home Smith Park path, where the salmon are jumping!

  34. We saw one today on our property hunting in our pond. Beautiful looking. Were on six nations ontario.

  35. I have seen one several times as I sip my morning coffee and look out onto the Bay of Quinte, here in Prince Edward County, Ontario. I have only seen this one hunting alone, but he had been here every morning for the last few weeks.

    • Some of our Ontario birds are up here after they finish breeding in the southern US, so they aren’t always in pairs in the summer here. That must be quite a nice morning view!

  36. Sitting at Tommy Thomson Marina not far from downtown TORONTO watching 3 SNOWY EGRETS flying together over us. First time seeing these Beautiful birds…I took a video of them but still trying to figure out how to post it on here. .

    Peace & Love

    • Unfortunately you can’t post it on my site, but you may want to upload it to Youtube. The egrets you saw might be Great Egrets which are a bit more common in Toronto although we sometimes get a Snowy as well.

  37. Tonight in Point Edward Ontario (Sarnia) we saw at least 10 or more of these majestic creatures fly in to roost in a tree, by Lake Chipican in Canatera Park! Never seen anything like it! So beautiful 😍

  38. Saw 3 birds wading together in a marsh on Scugog Island, Ontario. I routinely see GB herons in the area but this is the first time I’ve seen an egret.. ..just a bit smaller than the GB Heron and completely eye-catching. :)

    • Sorry for my slow reply. Thanks for sharing your sighting! They seem to show up more in late August and September around the Mississauga marshes. Quite striking birds!

  39. We spotted 7 Great Egrets leisurely enjoying a small marshland beside a main road in Angus, Ontario today. What a spectacular sighting. We have never seen them in Canada before. Beautiful birds.

  40. I think I have a pair nesting in the Humber River Valley north of the 401. They were here last year and I saw the young ones as well. I was thrilled to see that they were back this year. I have only seen one so far this year. I hope to get photos but I live in a high rise and need binoculars to see them clearly.

  41. First sighting for us on Stoco Lake, Tweed, ON. Single Great Egret wading along the shoreline. We had seen them before in Florida and we regularly have herons here, but this is the first time we’ve been visited by an egret. Beautiful bird!!

  42. I live near Port Perry, Ontario. One the way home from work tonight I saw my first ever Egret. I’ve never seen them this far north before

  43. We watched an egret last evening at Island Lake, the reservoir (part of Credit Valley Conservation Area) in Orangeville. Someone else there mentioned that there’s been up to 14 egrets throughout the summer. I guess it’s not surprising since we’re only a 1/2 hour drive from Luther Marsh, where I see they’re quite numerous. Special all the same.

  44. My partner and I saw 8 of them hanging out in a small marsh near a gas station in Roseneath. This was my first time, and I was puzzled to see so many together. Some where looking for food in the water. A few were roosting and preening themselves on these branches sticking out of the water.

    • Yes, I saw only a solitary bird in that exact location, on the Alderville First Nation reserve, at the gas station, which I assume is the one you were at. I had seen Egrets in Florida before, but had to look twice at this huge bird lifting off! I never knew they came this far north, but I guess with climate change, it is becoming easier for them to survive in Ontario. Made my day!

  45. I live near Cootes Paradise in Hamilton.
    On my morning walk I spotted three stalking in the low water. Such a beautiful sight to see, I’ve never seen them here before.

  46. Walking on a quiet trail near Carp, Ontario (Hidden Lake) we frightened 8 egrets who took flight. It was pure magic to see these birds lift off out of the lake. We were astonished. They’re like ghosts rising out of the mist. Incredible.

  47. June 19, 2023 in the Humber River, Toronto, just south of the pedestrian bridge. I posted a video on Facebook. Very impressive.

  48. I live in kingston ontario, my family and i were walking through our local conservation area and saw a single one and couldn’t figure out what it was. after watching it fly towards a tree we noticed the tree was also filled with these egrets. after a google i found this website and we determined that is what these birds were

  49. A trip to the park and splash pool with the children was rewarded by the sight of a great egret today on the edge of the large pond at Dominion Gardens in Georgetown Ont. Perfect timely …….a lovely sunny mid
    August day.

  50. I photographed a cattle egret hanging out with the neighbour’s cows this week, just outside Tillsonburg.

    • I don’t know why but I always smile when I think of cattle egrets following the cows, or cowbirds. It just seems perfect when they follow their names. Congrats on the photos! They are not a common bird in Ontario–at least not yet!

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