What Is This Wasp With a 4 Inch Long Thready Tail?

While watching a House Wren hunting among the tall grasses and rushes in an almost dry marsh in Mississauga, I watched as another odd flying predator wobbled into view. This one was some kind of insect. It looked like a wasp, but had an amazingly long tail.

I would guess the tail along was about 4 inches long and thread-thin. It was much longer than the insect’s body. The legs were also unusually long. Given the fairly small wings were located way up on the “shoulders” of the creature, it was not very aerodynamic. In fact, it flew very badly. The long tail also seemed to cause trouble as it bumped into the vegetation.

Photo of Giant Ichneumon Wasp Tail on NaturalCrooksDotCom

I took a few photos although it was a bit too far away to focus on clearly. As I watched, it rose up and moved a few grasses over, then settled again. This repeated several times. I couldn’t tell if it was trying to feed, trying to catch something or trying to lay eggs. I wasn’t even sure exactly what it was.

When I was home, I searched the internet for wasps with long tails. It didn’t take long to find my insect: it was a Giant Ichneumon Wasp. The helpful people at BugGuide.net confirmed it was a Megarhyssa macrurus.

Why Does This Wasp Have an Amazingly Long Tail?

The “tail” that makes it so awkward for a female Giant Ichneumon Wasp to fly is actually an ovipositor. It’s used to lay her eggs.

Photo of Giant Ichneumon Wasp Tail Closeup on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Like a woodpecker, this wasp drills through dead tree trunks to reach the grub-like larvae living deep inside. Unlike a woodpecker, she doesn’t eat them herself: instead she lays her eggs on them and the baby Ichneumons eat them. She also doesn’t drill a hole in the wood with her bill or mouth, instead she drills with the long pipe-like ovipositor!

There are some videos and an interesting written summary of how the Giant Ichneumon Wasp drills down through a dead tree trunk to reach an insect larvae and lay an egg on it at the Nature Documentaries website.

It’s fascinating to think anything as long and delicate looking as this wasp’s ovipositor can actually work its way through wood!

According to the Animal Diversity website of the University of Michigan the wasp lays one egg directly on one larvae of a Pigeon Horntail. To do that she must hear the larvae in the dead tree, then drill down with her ovipositor to reach the horntail. The site says it is not known exactly how the female detects the presence of the larvae: it may hear it or smell it. They also say it can take an hour for her to successfully drill, lay her egg, and pull out, and that she is vulnerable to predators during that time.

Photo of Giant Ichneumon Wasp Closeup On NaturalCrooksDotCom

What Do These Awkward Wasps Eat?

As adults, Giant Ichneumon Wasps don’t seem to eat much. There are some photos though of one of them apparently drinking juice from a grape.

In the larval stage, one wasp feeds externally on one Pigeon Horntail larvae, eventually killing it.

Pigeon Horntails, Tremex columba, are another type of wasp. They are a wood wasp whose grub stage usually lives in dead or dying trees. Trees they live in include beeches, elms, maples, oaks, poplars and apples, according to BugGuide.net. All of those trees grow along the Credit River valley in Mississauga.

Can Ichneumon Wasps Sting?

According to Lloyd Eighme, retired entomologist on the Washington State University Skagit County website, the wasps probably can sting but are not known to do so. The author doubts that most of them could get their sting to penetrate your skin.

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension website says they could sting if improperly handled but are, in the words of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “mostly harmless.”

Other websites say they don’t sting. They are probably correct because they are not saying that they can’t sting only that they generally don’t.

I did not read any comments on any websites from someone claiming to have been stung by one.

Frankly the female flew so awkwardly I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t be able to swat it out of your way before it could even try to sting you, if you were worried. I certainly didn’t feel nervous approaching it as closely as the path would permit.

Keep Your Eyes Open for Strange Insects

I spotted this odd character while waiting for a House Wren to return to its nest with food for its chicks. Had I not been waiting I might never have seen this Ichneumon when it wobbled into view. It served as a good reminder that I need to stay alert and look for new animals on my rambles.

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Have you ever seen such a long-tailed wasp? Was it trying to lay eggs? Please share your sighting with a comment.

226 thoughts on “What Is This Wasp With a 4 Inch Long Thready Tail?

  1. I found these wasp like bugs similar to the one shown.
    it has three whips coming from its rear end. Its primarily black but has a yellow head and legs, it’s wasp like with wings. I noticed one of them drawing it’s whips into a loop and secreting an opaque substance to form a membrane inside the the loop. At the end of the abdomen it forms a bulb 2 wings yellow antenna total length is probably 6″ also rather frail looking. Total body length is about 1 1/2″. It can also open the bulb area and close it between two of its thoracic scales. Can you tell me what the hell it is?

    • Hi,
      I think it may be a Giant Ichneumons or a relative. I see some photos on BugGuide.net that have a strange membrane etc which may be a little bit like what you are describing. Check out
      and see if it’s similar.
      There’s also a photo of a dead Ichneumon which has three “tails” at http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2188082 but it’s not identified by type.

      I hope this helps a bit. If you have a photo, I’d suggest you post it to BugGuide.Net and ask for an id. They’re very helpful.

        • They are very strange looking! There are several kinds of these wasps so the colouring will vary and the size and shape can too. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

        • I saw one of them today 10/02/16 laying its egg at the base of a dead tree stump. It was very strang. It looked as if it was ripping its bottom half of its body open while standing on its front leggs doing a hand stand pulsating its butt in and out from where its tore open.

      • June 2019 Massachusetts seacoast Giant Ichneumon Wasp landed on my wood shingled house and did the headstand thing every few steps while climbing up the house.

          • I saw two different looking ones on 9/28/21. The first I thought it was a red wasp carrying an insect with two legs hanging down. It went into a hole that’s in one of the 2×4’s that transverse my porch roof. The “legs” were about an inch long.
            The second was much bigger. It was red with yellow stripes around its main body by its wings. But the “tail” was about four inches long. It was the ODDEST creature I’ve seen in Bokchito, Oklahoma since I moved here in 2020! I couldn’t get any pics though.

      • I just saw one of these wasps on my window screen. The tail/stinger was at least 1.5-2 inches long. I live in the Chicagoland suburbs. I’ve never seen one before. I’d upload a picture but I don’t see the option here.

        • Sorry, yes, you can’t share photos here. If you’d like there is a good website called iNaturalist.org what lets you post photos for id and to report seeing interesting wild plants and creatures.

    • oh these things sting. I just got stung by one in Minnesota. this one is a bit different in color but same type of insect. my head is throbbing from this sting.

      • I’m very sorry you got stung by a large wasp. It couldn’t have been exactly one of these kind as they apparently don’t have a sting, but it may have been a close relative. Sorry and I hope it eases up soon!

        • Please tell us then what other type of wasp that looks just like this one with a very long tail that really doesn’t fly well would be called? I got stung by one last night. I bent over not knowing she was on my upper thigh and she stung me through my pjs. I thought I was being burned by something, it hurt so bad and then I watched her fly away very slowly and awkwardly with that long tail.

          • Unfortunately no, I only know the kind that I was able to get photos of. I’m not a bug expert just an amateur who is interested in what she finds. I’m very sorry you were stung. I sure hope you never encounter that type of insect again!

      • My daughter got stung by one and it was so bad. She said the pain kept coming back. I obvioisly didnt show her what the wasp looked like because she wouldve died from the thought. She sat there over an hour telling me that she thought the stinger was going deeper because of the pain getting worse.

      • My daughter just got stung by one leaving a very angry red circle and bumpy like kin on the red. It felt like an acorn hit her when it landed. Yes they sting.

        • There definitely must be a “look alike” wasp that stings, as several people have reported that, but the one I have photos of is a type that literally does not have a stinger. So sorry for your daughter and sure hope it heals up fast.

    • I saw a few of these today in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
      There were st least 3 ,perched on a living tree trunk. I could see numerous little holes in the trunk, all of which were perfectly symmetrical. Weird looking creature!

    • We just saw one of these in the house. Very dark and large. Had never seen one before. Probably came in behind the dogs and got lost. Western NY

    • I found two in my tree. It’s tail was pushed in a piece of bread. A bubble formed at the end of its tail, venom?

    • I saw one of those in earthly bug kinda sanding off my window with its spindly leggs and a tail that had to be 6 inches long I never saw one growing up in Connecticut and I’m 58 Nd moved back here a couple years ago and saw it for the first time today. Are they even supposed to be in this part of the United States?

    • I found this response looking up the one I found flying by me and landed on a tree. It scared me, I thought it was two wasps stuck together until I looked closely. I got pictures of it.

  2. I had one fly into my house this morning in downtown Toronto. I rescued it and returned it outdoors.

    • That was very kind of you! They look quite intimidating with that long ovipositor but really they are helping the trees by keeping the damaging insects in check. Thank you for sharing your sighting.

  3. We spotted this odd big bug last night hovering around our garage light outside. We took pictures of it as we had never seen it before. My mother in law did some searching and determined it to be a giant ichneumon. I had no idea this bug was native to Kansas.

    • Interesting way to find one! I don’t know their range either but I’m glad you got a chance to see one. Since they are harmless they are quite something to look at. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  4. Eeekl I just found three of these wavering around a dead tree trunk in the backyard. That long taily-thing was inserted in a crack in the trunk and I wondered if they were laying eggs. Evidently so. It’s getting dusky out there so I’ll take a picture when the light is better.
    I thought it would be harder to figure out what they were but when I put “wierd wasp” in the google search box one of the suggestions was “…with a long thread-like tail.” Found what I was looking for.
    Oh, I’m here in Oklahoma City.

    • They are very strange looking and not too appealing. Once you know they’re harmless though they’re actually kind of interesting. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  5. I’m in Connecticut. I’ve been seeing a wasp (normal looking) flying around the corner of my house lately. This morning I saw one with that crazy-long ovipositor (at first I thought it was carrying a piece of straw, but wasps don’t do that!) and it crawled under a section of house siding.

  6. I just filmed one flying around my garage here in Eastern PA. Scared the bejesus out of me when it flew past the metal I was fixing to tack weld. Looked it up and saw it was harmless. I them out my 12ga. away and helped it find the door out.

  7. Saw one yesterday, very interesting and vividly striking. I thought at first it was a dragonfly with wasp like orange and black bands, but then I saw the long tubeless Overpositor. Had a hard time flying and was on the grass. We have 4 apple trees in our yard so I suppose she was interested in those? We live close to Sandpoint, Idaho.

    • They are very noticeable! I’ve read there are many different kinds of ichneumon wasps so I can’t be sure if the prey was some type of insect inside your apple trees or not, but it’s quite possible. The very long ovipositor is for getting at larvae that are deep inside soemthing, usually a tree. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  8. I found one on March 12th as I was cutting up dead trees on my property. I live in Lexington SC. Got a 30-second clip of it flopping around.

    • For the first time in my life there was one hanging out under my carport ceiling. I have an open carport. I looked out and there it was, I wanted to know what it was because my grands and I love outdoors. I looked it up and this I’m here leaving this message. She eventually flew away into the trees. I’m always looking before I go into my backyard because I have some at times unusual visitors that I’m not familiar with. R

  9. Found one inside my friends house just now scared the crap out of me so I trapped into a container I’m in the middle of Missouri

  10. Hi! I encountered several of these on a log at the Bad Creek camping area on SC’s Foothills Trail on May 9th. I counted four in all. I watched as two of them expanded their green tail membranes and apparently impregnated host larvae with their eggs. I was unsure of what I was witnessing at the time. They’re quite strange to watch. The membranes are not flat, and they gyre and gimbal rhythmically as the wasp works, like a curled green leaf waving about in a breeze. The wasp’s body is otherwise mostly still. While one of them was working, another seemed especially interested in it and landed to circle it a number of times, antenna dancing. She eventually left. Now I suppose she was scanning the log for the same unfortunate larvae who was about to be parasitized.

  11. One of these BIG wasps flew in my poppop’s car.It was so big I thought it was going to carry me away.I did not know at the time it was not dangerous.My pop pop saved us all he brushed it out of the car.I live in Bucks County

  12. I just took a picture of one on my hosta and what an amazing looking insect. I live in central Northern Missouri.

  13. We live in Papillion NE we saw this creepy wasp with a 5 inch stinger it was on our window and we through shoes at it and it fell down and we thought it was dead so we opened the door but it was actually ALIVE ! And flew out.

    • As it turned out, it’s good that it was alive (once it left!) since it couldn’t do you any harm. But I understand not wanting to share your house with it! Thanks for sharing your sighting.

  14. Found this wasp with the long tail crawling over some cut down tree wood that I will be stacking for fire wood.
    It seemed to be searching for something.
    After looking it up, it is indeed a Giant Ichneumon Wasp. After reading about how it searches for places to lay it’s eggs with it’s long ovipositor, that’s what it seemed to be doing on the wood pile, searching for holes or cracks between the bark. The first one I’ve ever seen living my 56 years in Maryland.

    • They are quite interesting to see if you can get past the look of them. If it does find something to lay its eggs in it will save some of your wood for the stove, so it’s actually helpful. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  15. I just found one of these in my backyard for the first time in my life. I live in the Matsu Valley outside of Anchorage Alaska. This thing was massive, the size of the small birds that hang out in the backyard. Just came in a googled it because it was so interesting. I haven’t seen any comments about people finding them here in Alaska yet either.

  16. I saw one of these giant wasps in my yard, it was trying to climb a garbage bin with no success. After taking pictures I held out a stick so it could get on and I lifted it to the top. It flew away very badly, it was very slow as well. After researching it I’m very happy I didn’t kill it!

  17. I saw one in my garden this morning. There is a maple bush abt 20 feet away. Thanks to your pics for a positive id and interesting post. A friend put a link on my FB when I posted a picture I took. I was able to run into the house and grab the cam and go back out to find her still resting on the leaf.(eastern Ontario)

  18. There is one in my sunroom right now and I was scared to go back in there but I’m ok now that I know they are harmless. I will open the door and hope it flys away. I’m in Atlanta Georgia

  19. Just had one in my house tonight. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Unfortunately, my daughter swatted at it and , it did not make it.

    • Well at least you’ll know for the next time, although hopefully that will just be one outside as I’m sure you don’t need any more inside, ever! Thanks for sharing your sighting.

  20. Working in my garden today and heard a loud buzzing so I had to see what it was. It was one of these guys/girls but for some reason it was stuck in the raspberry canes and couldn’t get free. I found a piece of dry grass, a long piece, and helped it get loose. Last I saw it was headed east. I have lived in Colorado 40 years and I have never seen one until today.

  21. My oldest son and I saw one of these flying behind the car as we were getting all of my boys in. It was HUGE! The one we saw was more black and yellow with yellow tufts coming from it’s head. When we looked it up, we came across this site. It’s exactly what we saw. The stinger was approximately 5 inches and the body was about 2 1/2 inches. By the way, we live near Bangor, Maine!! Not sure it should have been this far North! :)

    • You definitely saw a giant ichneumon. There are quite a few varieties and I won’t claim to be an expert on the various types. I live in Ontario so they do come quite far north. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  22. One in my sunroom in Fayetteville nc. Creeped me out and so glad the wife and kids weren’t home. Would’ve scared them senseless lol

  23. One has been on my window a few hours. I’m in South Central PA. It’s very humid right now, and dark. She seems to be going toward the light in the house. I’m unsure what to do with her. Will she drill the wood in my window?

    • No, she won’t drill into wood unless she’s aiming for an insect already inside that wood. It’s unlikely you have any wood borer larvae in your windowsill, so she’s probably just sheltering and maybe interested in the light. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  24. I have never seen this bug before and was scared to death of it. I got my sons to get it off of my screen and found out it was actually pretty clumsy and docile.
    Once we found out what it was we placed her in the deeper part of the woods near our house.

  25. We have had a few of these at our work (Alliston, ON) in the last week or so. Do you think something has changed that we are seeing these for the first time?

    • Yes but not anything huge. I think somewhere in your neighbourhood there is a dead or dying tree that has the type of insect larvae inside it that these wasps need for their young to eat. I don’t think it’s a problem though; it’s just natural. I’m sure they are a bit worrying to see the first time, though, until you realize they are fine. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  26. I have found one my son knocked down its the same as in the picture . found it in Ohio ! She has 3 long tail things beautiful Creature
    I would post pics but I don’t know if I can .

    • Unfortunately there’s no way to share your photos here. I’m glad you got a good look at one–they’re quite interesting once you know they are safe. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

    • I don’t have a good answer for you, sorry. If it moves near the doorway, you could probably flap it out with a newspaper. Will it land on a newspaper so you could carry it out? They don’t sting or bite. I’ll hope something works out, and thanks for sharing your sighting, even though I’m sure you wish it had landed on the OUTside of the screen.

  27. We have just noticed a group of these wasps drilling into a dying maple tree. (About 10 of them together). We had never seen such a thing so thanks to “google” We were able to iidentify them very easily. They are creepy looking but glad to read they are harmless.
    We live in Denver, CO!

    • They are bizarre to look at but they are helping control other insect populations so they have a valuable role to play. Thanks for sharing your sighting!

  28. Just had one flying around the window in my building, trying to get out. Scared the crap out of me and my girls. I caught it in one if those clear plastic take out containers and looked it up to see what it was. Now that I know it’s harmless, I took it outside and let it go by a dying elm tree. That thing was weird. Had a 3 to 4 inch long ovipositor, which at first we thought was a stinger.

  29. I’ve been stung twice by these stinking things. I think they have some sort of vendetta against me because theyre always in my house and room. In fact my brother just killed one now that was outside my bedroom. I think they hate me because I killed one of the ones that stung me years ago haha

    • I’m sorry to hear some type of wasp is after you! I doubt it was exactly this kind, though, as they are not reported to have stung anyone. They are very slow, clumsy flyers which would make them easy to swat away before they could land and sting. I hope that whatever kind is after you gives up, though, and you have my sympathy!

  30. We saw one today in Independence MO. Long tails and brown with some yellow. First time we have seen them around here.

  31. I suppose there are different types of this species. The one I had in my house had a split tail several inches long. I rolled up a paper towel making a tube and laid it down for it to crawl into and it obliged very nicely! I then pinched the paper towel ends shut and carried it outside to my decorative grass. I hope it can find enough bad bugs to eat there!

    • Yes, this group of wasps has many varieties. Thank you for saving your type–they fill an important role in keeping other insects in check. And thank you for sharing your sighting!

  32. 7-27-17 Missouri While sitting in garage late last night one flew right into the light sitting right beside me. First time I have ever seen anything like it

  33. Found this site while googling this particular bug. We found this girl flying in our garage in Edgerton, Ohio, so not just in the Credit River valley in Mississauga!

  34. I saw one on the side of my office building window in Ottawa, Canada in early July! I used this page to identify it.

  35. I saw one in my friends garage it is trapped in the garage door opener we all freeked out my friends 5 year old sister started crying we were having fun playing floor is lava and saw it We live in South Caralina

  36. I live in Delaware one of these flew onto my screened in porch last week. I have lived here many years and have never seen one before. But our property is surrounded by woods. very strange bug .

  37. Hi! I had one sitting on a nearby flower, cleaning its antennas/antennae. I was a bit apprehensive about getting close when I saw the “stinger”, longer then her body. Thanks for telling me that it is an ovipositer. These ladies certainly have a strong urge to to keep their species alive.
    Thanks for your info. Fran from Goulais River, north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

  38. Haha we have them around here – in fact one was just by me, and my reply was “ew WTH is that” lmao. Off to Google I went and I found you! Well at least I know what it is!

  39. It was on my Front Door tonight~~ and I thought ,”Whhhhaaaaaatttttt??”

  40. At 2:30 in Harrison Michigan in my garage this one has more of a yellowish orange head and legs, more like a yellow jacket

  41. I have actually been “stung” (or maybe but) by a male of this species. I thought it was a harmless bug and in my super soft hearted attempt to save it without having to kill it, as it was inside my house, it stung my finger. The pain was intense and it left a red welp for a few days. Definitely won’t mess with them again!

    • I’m sorry to hear you were injured by a wasp. It could have been a bite if it was a male–only females have stings because the sting is a modification of the ovipositor, from what I’ve read. It may also have been some sort of “mimic” creature that looked like an ichneumon but was something else. Either way, it doesn’t seem fair you got hurt trying to be kind!

    • Husband is out of town today and my five year old spotted this strange creepy creature flying around in our kitchen. I don’t do bugs in my house, especially when all three of my littles were crying and screaming once they all saw it. Didn’t have time to pick up my phone and google what the heck it was, and with that long crazy looking tail that we thought was a stinger, I unfortunately had to kill it so the kids and I could sleep in peace (this was just as we were getting ready for bed). We are in Denver, Colorado as well. Seems like this wasp lives everywhere around the country, given the various states people have reported from. Anyway, glad to hear it was actually harmless. Didn’t feel like it in the moment! Sorry to have killed it now that I know, but next time when we are not half asleep we will make it a science observation for the kids.

  42. One of these has been flying around my bedroom for a few days. I live in Seattle and have seen a few here over the 12 years I have been here. Since it can’t seem to find its way out, I will capture it and put it out the backyard. Thanks for the information you shared.

  43. We live in Central Arizona. Last night is the first time we’ve ever seen one of these in 23 years. It was flying around the garage light so I turned it off and put the outside garage lights on. It went out there and I got few pics and video. I found this site when I Google it. I enjoyed reading about it, and all the comments. Thanks for all the info. Interesting.

  44. Last night, September 17, 2017, I had one sting me on my leg. The site was red and it went numb around the sting. It was dark and I was on my porch. It landed on my shin, I moved my leg to be able to see from the light on my phone. I got a quick look before I guess I scared her and she stung. I swatted it off but couldn’t really see where it went. My husband was outside with me and we were talking about the strange large flying creature we just saw when my daughter came out and it stung her on her lower thigh. She also complained of a small pinch, sting like feeling and then a red mark and around the site went numb, about the size of a half dollar bill. It stayed numb for a few hours. We immediately applied sting/bug bite otc salve and watched it closely, we were fine. This morning, out on the porch, I was able to spot the culprit very clearly. I’ve lived in a very secluded, wooded area of Oklahoma and Arkansas all my life, our family loves being outdoors with our animals and this is the first time we’ve ever seen a wasp like this. Very intimidating and interesting.

    • I’ve checked again on several government sites and it sounds like there must be a look-alike insect that attacked you. The actual giant ichneumon doesn’t have the ability to inject venom and cause a reaction. I’m very sorry you were both hurt and I hope whatever it was never returns!

  45. I’m originally a city girl, born and raised. Now I live in the Adirondacks, what a adventure is an undertatement. From seeing dinosaur size dragon flies, maybe a slight exaggeration. Since I love the outdoors I have come a cross a wide variety of creatures. Mind you this was in the wilderness deep in the woods, far from my home, far from my safety zone. This bee with the long tails and the big body was in my home ,my safe place .I didn’t know what it was I was petrified so I screamed for my husband get this thing out of here. No don’t kill it catch it throw it outside. Moral of the story it takes two, I had to help but it is safely outside and I am safely inside. Glad to know what it was.

  46. I had one of these things in my hair…when I went to look in the mirror I thought it was a wasp.i was scared then when I swatted it away I saw the long tail…I wouldn’t have killed it if I’d known it was harmless…but I don’t do bugs…i don’t have to worry about bugs in my head do I?

  47. I was lounging on my hammock late this evening and one joined me. I’ve never seen one before so I googled a discription which that led me to your site. I’m happy to hear it’s a harmless insect. Thanks for sharing information about them. 😊

  48. I live in South Carolina and there is a wasp looking bug just like the one in the picture. Only difference is it’s not doing anything to wood. It’s going in a hole in my Granny’s wheelchair.

    • It may be a different type of Ichneumon wasp, then. Or maybe it’s checking the inside to see if there is wood in there?! I hope it leaves her alone. Thank you for sharing!

  49. Saw about 4 of these wasps on a dead tree trunk in northern minn. today. I took a video when I saw this oval light green thing swell from its back end. A smaller version was interested in it and seemed to be touching it with its feelers. After the green leaf like thing ballooned out it flew away. Then this occurred to another one. I really wanted to know what it was and what was going on

  50. Saw about 4 of these black wasps on a dead tree trunk in northern minn. today. I took a video when I saw this oval light green thing swell from its back end. A smaller version was interested in it and seemed to be touching it with its feelers. After the green leaf like thing ballooned out it trembled and then flew off. This happened to several of them. Very interesting and wanted to know what they were and what was happening!

  51. I’ve never seen one of these flying devil things before yesterday when one landed on my boyfriends back. Now I love bugs, and I will go out of my way to save a drowning fly but I was absolutely terrified for his life and may or may not have left him to fend for himself. The little bigger ended up flying away like it was intoxicated, and we watched in amazement as it disappeared into the sky. I’m happy I came across this page to learn that they’re pretty dossile so maybe in my next encounter Ill be able to examine it further instead of fleeing

  52. We just seen one in northern iowa! Was very scared of it so I killed it cuz I thought it would for sure be a very painful sting & didn’t want to chance it with kids running around

  53. I just rescued one from inside my studio. I washing something in the sink and when I looked up I saw her eye level on the cabinet door about 10” from my face! She was so still! All black. I assume there are different colored ones? Looked like something I would have on that cabinet door! I thought she was beautiful. When I got her outside (with a bucket and flat thing to slide her in) she did fly away very slow and awkward like you said!

    • Yes, there are several kinds of Ichneumon and one article I read said that they have a lot of different colour patterns even within one kind making it hard to identify them. I’m glad you were able to rescue one!

  54. Strange-looking thing–Almost prehistoric looking! “She” approached our bamboo wind-chime and went down inside one of the reeds–dragging that long tail behind. Fascinating! It looked so awkward at first – like a dog carrying a long stick, too wide to fit through a doorway…First sighting of anything quite like her in my entire life. Nature is awe-inspiring, no doubt about it!

  55. Aurora CO June 2018 Had 2 in an old tree – have never seen one in 65 years
    Scared the crap out of us. Took a pic and showed it to a friend who looked it up. So glad to find it is harmless
    So how long til new ones hatch? Cause we saw her deposit eggs although we wern’t sure at the time what was going on. Excited to see more now!

    • According to what I’ve read on the internet, the eggs she laid this year will stay inside the log until next year when sometime between June-Sept they will emerge as adults. So you probably are more likely to see another of last year’s family this summer than one of the new generation. Thanks for sharing!

  56. I live in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia in Canada. I found one of these littl ladies on the steps of the motel I’m staying at.

  57. I Have one that is coming and going inside my fence panel where they join together. I have watched it for days now. At first I thought it was some kind of deformed dragonfly. So just now as I was watching it going back into the fence panel once its body was in the long hairlike tail fell to the ground. Was curious if this is part of its process to discard the tail

  58. My son just had one float down from the sky and land on his shirt. He freaked out, and my husband caught it in a glass. There was debate about whether or not to do it in, but I found your site, made a case for letting it go, and good sense prevailed! It is very strange looking with it’s long tail. My daughter described it’s flight as a ‘raggedy glide’ : )
    We are in MN.
    Thank you!

  59. I just saw one of these this morning sipping the nectar from my hummingbird feeder in Sunbury, Ohio. I had never seen one before. I got a picture of it. Amazing.

  60. I live in middle of Missouri.
    I was cutting up a tree that had died and was amazed to find one of these wasps inside the wood I had just cut. Two ways later I found one that was “drilling” into the end of one of the logs I had cut. Thank you for posting this information, everyone kept telling me it was a dragonfly.


  61. We live in Bucks County, Pa. and are nature lovers. Sadly, we panicked as it was in our house so before our cat could eat it after swatting it to the floor my hubby killed it ! I would have tried to capture and release it but had never seen anything like this with that very long tail. Now I understand and read and informed myself about this remarkable insect. So RIP….

  62. I’m wondering if it’s possible that some of the people who report receiving a type of sting from a long-bodied wasp, especially at/near dusk, have encountered a “Pelecinid Wasp”? They are different looking but that may not be clear at dusk, and they do have a very long black body. This report from the University of Wisconsin says they do have a “pin prick” like sting. https://uwm.edu/field-station/american-pelecinid-wasp/ It might be worth checking this possibility if you have been stung by an unusually large type of wasp.

  63. There is one busy inside the hollow of a bamboo chimes right next to my front door, with other very large wasps going in and out on a regular basis. I am afraid for my dogs, since the regular wasps sting them while they’re lying in the grass, and we use this door several times a day. When I first saw it flying, I thought it might be two or more insects together, but then it headed right into the bamboo hollow & stayed there. I’ve tried spraying the chimes with peppermint oil water to get them to move, but it just went further up. I hate the idea that it’s laying eggs right next to the front door. YIKES!

    • This definitely can not be Giant Ichneumons–they lay their eggs in grubs deep inside dead wood. There are other types of wasps that stun caterpillars etc, force them into tubes, then lay their eggs on them. I’d recommend you either take down the chimes at night when there is no activity and move them some where far away from traffic or spray them. Whatever kind of wasps they are, they are not the ones in this article and it is quite possible they may be a stinging kind.

  64. Came across one in a metro pcs store. My friend was keeping my 3yr preoccupied while i was talking to the rep. Next thing I see her screaming crying with the fear of death in her eye running towards me. That creature came into the store and landed near the window where they were people watching. The store rep didnt seem to care, but my friend and our 2 kids were stricken and frozen with fear like hostages in that store. We took turns slowly exiting and making a beeline out the door as it seemed to be “guarding” the exit. The tail was about 3″ long. It was struggling its way up the window. Edison, nj.

  65. I live in Muskogee, Oklahoma and happened upon your article while trying to figure out what the insect was on my light inside, as I’d never seen one before. Is it common for these to be in this area?

    • I’m sorry to say I don’t really know. I live up in Ontario, Canada where they are not unusual. You may want to check on BugGuide.net for more info.

  66. I encountered one this morning, I live in New Albany Indiana this morning was sitting out back in our gazebo and I saw something fly into our folded lawn chair, I saw a long tail so I googled flying insects with a tail and read about the Giant Ichneumon Wasps. I don’t know if it was laying an egg in the lawn chair or what but I also noticed a male wasps flying around. You learn something new every day.

  67. I just saw one here in Colorado was very interested in it but my friend killed it. Very interesting insect wish I could have kept it alive.

    • There are a few different kinds of this insect; I’m not sure if yours is exactly the same one. Maybe another one will show up and let you check!

  68. I saw one today in KY . 7/28/19 it scared me too death when it flew past my head while sitting on my back patio. It flew very clumsily and I think just the long thread tail is what scared me the most. But it flew away unharmed.

  69. This was so helpful! I found one in my dining room after leaving the door open while painting at night. Can’t seem to attach photo though?! Thank’s for sharing!

    • Sorry one decided to visit inside! Unfortunately the software doesn’t allow adding photos. You can share on at BugGuide.net if you have time.

  70. I just seen one in my backyard by my tree in michigan, did not know what it was until i looked it up scared me and my kids.

  71. I watched these wasps laying eggs in a dead tree I was sitting in while bear hunting. 3 of them had the long, needle like tail, and one had a much fatter type black body.. At times the one with long tail would climb over the black body one.
    This I saw 9/6/2019
    In central Wisconsin wo

    • Sorry for my slow reply. Thanks for sharing your sighting! I wonder if there were 2 different types of wasps after the same larvae in the tree? I am pretty sure there is more than one type of this wasp, given the comments I receive. Hope the hunt went ok.

  72. My husband is allergic to wasps… caught on in our bathroom any idea what I should do with? Don’t want it laying eggs near just in case.

  73. I saw one of these in downtown Hamilton Ontario on a park bench. Very strange looking. Kept my distance as I was unsure what it was.

  74. I have spotted one on my screened in back porch recently. I didn’t think anything of it, just went on with what I was doing. The next day, I felt a pain in my foot and used tweezers to pull out an object that appeared to be 1.5-2 inches long. I hadn’t been outside since I had seen that bug. I ended up going back to the porch to see if I could find what stung me considering how big the (presumed) stinger was. The bug I had previously seen was still there, but its “tail” appeared to be significantly shorter than before; about 1.5-2 inches. I’m not really sure why it would ram its “tail” in my foot, but that’s what has appeared to have happened.

    • That sounds horrible. I think it is a different kind of insect, as several people have reported being injured by one with a long tail, though this particular one that I saw is not capable of stinging. Very sorry!

  75. Just saw one of these on the screen of the gazebo on my deck in Burnt Hills, NY. Never seen or heard of this before; lived here for 30 years. Looks scary, but from reading up, sounds like it’s not that bad. I’ll keep my eyes open to see if there’s any more.

  76. We live near Seattle. A beautiful old cedar tree in my front yard died about a year ago. Last Wednesday we had an arborist take down the limbs to create a snag/habitat tree and allow the surrounding trees to fill in the empty space. I was out talking with the arborist and turned to leave and let him work. He said, “you’ve something on your leg.” It was huge and we’d never seen anything like it — from my vantage point I could see very little and asked, “is it a murder hornet!?!” Turned out it was this giant wasp, probably interrupted while laying eggs in the dead cedar. We gingerly removed the wasp from my pant leg (strong grip) and placed it in plants. I’m glad we chose to leave the dead tree, especially now having met someone who needs it.

    • Thank you for taking the risk of just letting it go! I know there are several kinds of these wasps and the ones I’ve heard of all benefit the ecosystem.

  77. I live in NJ, about a block from the Maurice River, near the mouth of the Delaware Bay. I see these bugs regularly, in my neighborhood. Many sizes, same bug. Occasionally, I see 2 hooked together, or a similar bug attached to the tail of the female. Perhaps this is mating? It is unmistakable to see them flying about haphazardly.

    • I’m surprised they are plentiful. There are some types of water fly which also have very long tails. The wasps here are quite uncommon. I don’t think they are known to mate in flight. Either way, thank you for sharing your sighting!

  78. I have lived in Shiawassee County, Michigan, all of my 61 years on this earth and found your information when searching for the wasp-like insect with the long tail that I saw this evening while sitting on my front porch. I heard it before I saw it flying awkwardly around my windows. It didn’t land, so I didn’t get a chance for a picture, but it flew behind my rocking chair and was within a couple of feet of me. I was alarmed by it’s strange appearance. I’m glad I read about it, and I’ll be much more educated on it should I be lucky enough to spot another.

    • I’m glad you got to see a Giant Ichneumon. There are a few different kinds. I’m not sure what would be making the noise as the one I saw was silent in flight. Interesting!

  79. One flew in through our open screen door. The tail must have been 5-6″ long. We tried to catch it with the biggest mason jar we had and it couldn’t fit! Thank goodness these don’t sting. We took it outside and it flew off to live its little wasp life.

  80. I was getting into my truck in the morning after a heavy rain storm, and I spotted this wasp with the huge tail on the door handle of the truck. Made me get in through the passenger door instead. I googled it and found this post and after reading, I grabbed a hat and got out, let her climb onto my hat and I walked her over to a dead tree stump and let her check it out before I left.

  81. I found one and photographed it in stunning colors. I live in the Chicago NW suburb of Des Plaines, Illinois. I would like to post the photos. Please change this website so we can share photos.

    • Unfortunately I barely have enough money to keep this website running. But a great place to share your photos is called
      It’s well worth looking at it.

  82. I seen one last night in my house after it smacked me in the back of the head it scared me I don’t know if it was trying to lay an egg or not but it is dead now

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