Luna: A Pale Green Moth with Touches of Lavender and Straw Emerges from Its Winter Rest

This June a close family member was fortunate enough to encounter a Luna Moth just as it hatched out from its winter-worn cocoon. Its wings were still perfect: the colours vivid, no scales missing, no tatters or breaks in its wings. He took these photos which I am sharing with you.

Photo of Luna Moth White Body by Gerald Crooks On NaturalCrooksDotCom

The Velvet-Winged Night Moths of June

When I see Luna Moths, or even their photos, I remember a book my Great-Aunt recommended to me which fortunately came back into print briefly in the 1980s. While not every sentiment in it would meet with approval from today’s readers, when the story describes the wonders of the natural world, it captures some of the magic on paper.

“What is the miracle of June? What one thing epitomizes the whole month?…It’s June when these great, velvet-winged night moths sweep its moonlit skies, consummating their scheme of creation, and dropping like a bloomed-out flower.” paraphrased from A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter, 1909.

Photo of Luna Moth Hind Wing Spots by Gerald Crooks on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Here you can see the “eyes” on the hind wings.

What Do Luna Moths Eat?

The moths themselves don’t eat. According to some sources, they don’t even have mouths.
The caterpillars, however, grow large on various trees and shrubs. They aren’t particularly fussy. Some of these include

  • birch
  • hickory
  • walnut and
  • winged sumac.

Photo of Luna Moth Legs by Gerald Crooks on NaturalCrooksDotCom

The legs are an interesting wine purple-red.

Where Do Luna Moths Over-Winter?

In the northern states and in the provinces, Luna Moths only have one generation of adults per year. The mature caterpillars spin a cocoon wrapped within a leaf. According to the University of Florida website, it is not usually anchored to a twig so when the leaves fall in autumn, the cocoon falls with them.  They then stay in this cocoon until the following spring.

Photo of Luna Moth Hind Wings Closed by Gerald Crooks On NaturalCrooksDotCom

The body of this moth is mostly white.

I hope that there are more Luna Moths sleeping on the forest floor waiting to emerge next spring to be admired!

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11 thoughts on “Luna: A Pale Green Moth with Touches of Lavender and Straw Emerges from Its Winter Rest

  1. Saw my first Luna in Bogart, Georgia this past weekend! So beautiful that I couldn’t believe it was real.

  2. Just experienced my first Luna Moth here in Tennessee. It’s left wing is split and it was on my door frame so I gently moved it over to a nearby freshly bloomed tree.

  3. I found a Luna Moth in the outside store room on a cargo ship I work on while in Thunder Bay, Ontario

  4. Tonite, at the age of 81, I saw, what now has been identified as my first Luna Moth. The one I encountered was at least 5-6 inches long and just hovered around the balcony floor. I never saw it fly. but it landed briefly on my bare foot. Went to get my phone for pictures , but when I returned she was gone. What a sensationally beautiful beeing. This took place in Cherokee Village, AR. 05/06/2023 at 11:20 pm

  5. I’ve just seen my first Luna moth. Didn’t know they existed. We live outside of Decatur TN. I’m very blest to have seen one.

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