The more I explore the same park the more new birds, animals, plants and insects I discover. So when I walked along a grassy path whose edges were strewn with silvery dead logs, I was not unduly surprised to see a fascinating new insect instead of the sunbathing dragonflies and actively hunting Tiger Beetles I was expecting. This creature was mostly black with fine white marks but what made it so obvious was the huge black eye spots rimmed with white eye rings.
You can see that the beetle is actually fairly flat and thin even though it’s long.
What Type of Insect Has these Large Black Eyes?
I still don’t own a comprehensive insect guide but I do have a copy of the Peterson First Guides: Insects by Christopher Leahy. I expected my insect to be a common one and it is: it’s an Eyed Click Beetle.
These are big insects. The one I saw was about 5 cm (2 inches) long.
Why Are They Called Click Beetles?
When I showed the photos to my husband later that day he remarked that he had seen many of them in his adventure-filled youth.
I tried to get a look at its real eyes but I couldn’t get the right angle without spooking it.
I had read in the Guide that these beetles make a sharp click sound when they flip themselves right side up if turned over. I asked him if he’d ever heard it. Yes. And apparently they will click repeatedly if you hold them and prevent them from flipping.
I generally don’t touch and try not to disturb anything I find on my rambles so I had not flipped this one, nor will I flip it if I find it again. It was satisfying, though, to hear from an ear-witness that it works.
Do Eyed Click Beetles Eat Dead Wood?
The adult beetles do not eat wood but they sometimes hide in dead wood and under loose bark.
The eye spots are intended to scare away predators. The black and white colouring, though, also provides some camoflage.
The larvae of most Click Beetles feed on roots. The larvae of the Eyed Click Beetles, however, most commonly feed on the larvae of other insects that feed on dead wood. For example, they may eat the larvae of Long Horned Beetles, according to I wonder if they’d enjoy some Asian Long-Horned Beetle larvae? I sure hope so.
It was interesting to see this creature and I’m glad it was out when I passed by. A few minutes later I tried to show it to another nature lover but it had already moved on. I guess that’s why it’s important to explore often if you want to see the most.
On the same walk I also encountered a pretty, new butterfly which I will introduce in another article.
Related Reading
- A Backyard Full of Dragons
- What Yellow Beetle with Black Oblong Spots Is On My Goldenrod Plant?
- What Long Shiny Red Insect Has a Black Tail End?
- The Walkingstick Insect Mystery
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Have you encountered an Eyed Click Beetle? Was it perched or flying in circles around your porch light? Please share your sighting with a comment.
I live in central Florida and I found one today. It was swimming in a bucket of water so I picked it up ( with a leaf, I didn’t want to touch it either) and put him on a tree. I have never seen one before. It was pretty cool looking! I Google Drive it and found this, thanks naturalcrooks!
I’m glad you rescued it. Thanks for sharing your sighting–and a life!
I found one this morning walking into my house as I had my slider open to get some fresh air. I also live in central Florida near the coast. I had never seen one before hence me looking it up to see what it was. I love Florida, it has the strangest looking creatures..
They really are “eye catching” — thanks for sharing your sighting!
Just saw one on front yard in a flower bed on some Lilyturf. Asked him who he was and why here…he didnt have much to say, so I took his picture and walked on the next flowerbed. Hope he is harmless to my plants, he can eat all the larvae he wants though.
We are in NC Near Charlotte
Just saw one on my screen door in Delaware
May 28,2020
That must have been a surprise! they are quite something especially when you don’t expect it!
I saw one this evening in the dusty dirt here in Brookshire Texas. It was my first. It has a kick to it. It’s hard to hold . Then it played dead on me when it jumped out of my reach into high grass. But after I got my fingers on him again that clicking kick sprung it loose again. Is it a male or female that has the
I’m sorry to say I’m not sure!
He should be fine for the garden!
I found one on my deck rail today (5-27-17) I live in Michigan.
I hope it didn’t surprise you too much–they are quite bold looking. Thanks for sharing your sighting!
We found one crawling through the grass in our backyard in Kitchener, Ontario. I’ve come across many bugs over the years and can honestly say I had never seen anything like this… ever. And yes, it did indeed “click” when I touched it, though it wasn’t on its back.
Very cool. Thanks to your article I now know what it was!
Luckily even though they can be really large they don’t do any damage — I’m glad you had a chance to see one “up close.”
We had one flying around our 3rd floor balcony in Kettering Ohio. Have lived here 62 yrs and have never seen one.
They can be quite intimidating when they fly so I hope it wasn’t too startling! I had one trying to land on me two weeks ago, and had to shoo it down. Thanks for sharing your sighting!
I live in downtown Orlando, and I’ve never seen one of these before – ever. Found this site while searching for an answer as to what it is. It was crawling along a tree felled by last year’s hurricane, in a shady corner of my back yard, at about 4:45pm May 1st. Didn’t get to see it long – it hid pretty fast. Odd markings made me wonder if it was poisonous! I’ll keep an out for them now that I know what to look for.
I’m glad you found out what it was. They are a bit spooky when you first see them since they are quite big. Thanks for sharing!
I just saw one of these struggling to crawl over all the opened black oil sunflower seeds that my cardinals have been eating. It was really struggling to walk over these and I read that they are not the best on six legs, and are much better at flying. Unfortunately, this one couldn’t seem to get aloft when it tried, and while it was struggling again on the shells one of my cardinals came up and started pecking at it. It pecked at its head and then it’s under body and I just couldn’t take it and I scared the cardinal away and went and rescued it. I hope that it lives. It was one of the most beautiful bugs I’ve ever seen, and in 18 years in NC I’ve never seen one before. I imagine it was raised in the my neighbor’s snag that I’m afraid is going to fall on my house. Plenty of lovely wildlife enjoy it, but I don’t think I would enjoy it very much when it comes crashing onto my bed!
I sure hope that nothing crashes down! Thank you for sharing such an interesting sighting!
Found one on my front porch In Cincinnati Ohio
I hope it wasn’t too startling!
I live in Alabama and have never seen one of these until today. I was just working in the yard and had one fly around my head and land on me. I swatted it off and apparently either killed it or knocked it out… It wasn’t moving in any case. I scooped it up and fed it to my chickens. They appeared to love it!
Well I guess that’s one way to “recycle” an insect! Thanks for sharing!
I just saw one flying around my herbs. I was afraid it was a wasp until it landed. Grabbed my iPhone, but I couldn’t get to the camera fast enough. Immediately looked it up online, as I’d never seen one. I’m in Pennsylvania.
Luckily it won’t be after your garden–they sure are something to see, thanks for sharing!
Found one floating in the pool today.l. It looked dead. I fished it out and a half hour later it came back to life. I live in Pasadena Texas south of Houston.
Great rescue! Thanks for sharing it!
One landed on my leg I brushed it off and it landed on its back. Snap it come flying up and landed on its feet, very interesting
Great sighting!
We noticed this one on our sun porch window resting from its travels. We live in Culleoka Tennessee. Enjoyed reading all the comments. Think of all the different creatures that God made. Tom Ferguson .!!!
They do seem to show up in odd places! Thanks for sharing your sighting.
We saw one this past weekend up at our lake. I tried to get it to crawl on a leaf and it clicked at me. We had to take a picture, because we have never seen anything like it before in Indiana. Very interesting bug!
Neat you got to hear the Click! Thanks for sharing!
We saw two of them yesterday on our deck in Centreville, DE. One of them smacked right into me. The second landed nearby in a flowerpot. Beautiful and cool looking insects, but certainly not graceful. Mother Nature has such a wonderful imagination.
They do fly awkwardly, don’t they?!
Saw one in Catonsville MD
On July 6, 2022. Had to walk back to the house to get my camera. It was still there when I returned. Got several shots. I turned it over several times and the click was loud. It did not see it fly.
I bet the click makes many predators startle and drop it.
3 pm Sat 6/9/18 one flew and landed on my shoulder while in my vegetable garden it scared me such a big funny looking bug. Never saw one like this before. I brushed him to the ground where he laid for a while. I put him in a little jar thinking he was dead and to show him around. He came alive again and I felt bad he was stuck in the little bottle so I took him back to the garden and let him go. JUST DON’T EAT MY TOMATOES …….
Luckily he’s after dead wood somewhere in the neighbourhood. Thanks for sharing!
I sat down at the picnic table and noticed this most beautiful bug staring at me. Now you tell me those are eye spots not eyes. Where are his eyes ? I’m 74 and living in New Jersey-never saw anything like it. What a joy.
They do have tiny eyes, but I like their big fake “owl eyes” better too!
One landed on the back of my neck while teeing off at a course in S Jersey last Friday . flicked it off then collected it from the ground. Never seen one before and hoped it wasn’t the next Asian devestator. Turns out he’s a good’n. Now he’s in my garden.
Yes, no worries about these local insects!
I’m filling my pool and went out to check on it and one was in there. I fished it out and put it on the ground. I’ve never seen one before kinda spooked me. I’m in Winston Salem, NC.
They are an amazing looking insect–thanks for sharing!
I was taking a walk on my lunch break this Spring and I saw one on a large dead log on the edge of the woods. It was such an amazing looking bug! I was happy it stayed still long enough to get several pictures. Thanks for identifying it for me.
They are quite startling to see!
My daughter saw this bug after we got out of the pool. It was sitting on the clam shell float.. It was Wild looking. She lives in Walnut Grove GA . I took a picture of it
Sounds like her pool float saved it from drowning!
I caught one last year and showed every one it look like something from out of space .I let go under the same tree I found it at really weird looking creature.
I agree!
Thanks very much for posting about this great bug! Investigated a small thunking sound and found one of these trying to escape a small space between two boxes in my living room. It clicked in a way that sounded like snapping fingers and it popped up and flipped with each click. I photographed it and took a short film for reference. It has a mantis-like head under the eyed hood and a grasshopper-like body with beetle legs. It was about the size of my (female) thumb! Much prettier from the top. It clicked and flipped its way into my butterfly net and was released in my native plant area.
I’m glad you were able to give it another chance in a better setting!
I have seen two of these beetles within the last week. One was fairly large, about 5 inches and the other on was maybe 2-2-1/2 inches. I had no idea what type of insect they were, but my husband said it was probably a beetle. I am 59 years old and had NEVER seen that type of beetle before. Very interesting.
We’re about the same age and I found them very surprising to see too!
Two most likely mating back to back.
Found them on my Gardenia bush then they flew to the side of my house. Coats NC 6/4/19.
Thanks for sharing! Sounds like there may be more next year!
We spotted one of these last weekend in Groton MA on a small paved trail. The beetle was walking across path. We didnt know what it was so we took a picture of it to look it up later. We came across your website and was able to ID it immediately after looking at your pics! Thanks!
They are quite a startling find!
I saw one this afternoon crawling in the mulch. Had never seen one before. Quite a curious and attractive bug. Now I know what it is! We live in NE Bucks county in SE PA.
I like them but I still am startled by those “eyes”!
Found one this morining still sitting on my screen in Foster, RI. Around 2″ in length. First time showing up but hope to see more,
I’ve only seen them a few times but they are very memorable!
June 27, 2019, about 6:30 PM. I found the Eyed Click bug on the grass, in our yard. I lived north of Cedar Springs, Mi. I hadn’t seen it before, so I goggled it to see what kind of bug it is. Your pictures, on Natural Crooks. Com, are very helpful! Thank-you!
thanks for sharing your find!
Had one come in from
the clothes line when I brought in the laundry. Scary looking things! Plymouth Maine.
Yes, I think I prefer to only see insects that size outside at a distance, too!
Encountered an eyed click beetle in my shrubs on 07/06/19 in Spring Hill, Fla. The beetle arrived before anything was in bloom.
Thanks for sharing the details!
One flew passed me while on my late morning walk. I thought it must be a dragonfly as it landed smoothly on a tree trunk. While I went over to examine it, I noticed how nicely it blended into the grey bark but those eyes on the back! Omg! After snapping a pick to research further, I talked to it for a bit. It stopped crawling away from me as it realized I wasn’t a threat. Just when I thought i’ve seen them all, Mother Nature still surprises ; )
Yes, there’s always something else to discover–thanks for sharing!
I’ve never seen this insect before and I’m nearly 78 ! Either I’ve not been paying attention or they are uncommon. My first fell to the ground as I opened the shed door today. At first I thought it was a piece of bark, but on closer inspection – this marvelous bug. Thank you for your story post.
I’m not sure if they are uncommon or just sneaky. Glad you got to see one too!
We had a funny experience! We found one on the back of my husbands shirt after he had been outside. We’re in Pennsylvania. We took it back outside and found the photo on your website. The kids were excited!
I imagine it wasn’t what he thought was piggybacking–glad it turned out well for all!
I saw one today when we were cleaning up the yard. We live in Ozark, AL and I was down around the creek picking up some limbs and there were some dead ones. It was crawling on the ground. First time I have ever seen one. It just stayed still while I took it’s picture/
They are quite striking to look at–thanks!
In my 61 years I had never seen one. So I one the other day, for the first time. We are inundated with cicadas so I thought it was one of those. But with closer examination I saw it was something very different. Excited to find your post to identify it. It was right after the tropical storm come through. we live in Southeastern Virginia.
Hope the storm didn’t damage things–thanks for sharing!
I was staining our deck and this nettle was just chillin like it was watching me I didn’t wanna hurt it so my husband pushed it off our deck it flew to another part of the deck then left I’ve been in Pennsylvania for 29 years never saw one this was the first time
We’ve lived in our woodland home in SE CT for 30 years. Today I saw one of these for the very first time. Striking looking beetle. It was crawling thru some Garlic Chive in a pot on my deck. I was able to take one picture then it flew away. Nature is wonderful.
One just landed on me while I was out front on my porch. I thought it was a Cicada until I saw it. I had to look it up to see what it was. I have lived here for 40 years and never saw one before. I am in Fairfield Ohio.
I went to the drs today while I was waiting on my right i got spooked from a nest of spiders hatching all over i hate spiders so i jumped and saw the black beetle just like the pic i wondered if they bite so i moved to the other end of the sidewalk maybe he was on the sidewalk after the spiders
Found one today in North Georgia. It was on the sidewalk of my office as I walked in this morning. I took a photo and the boys were happy to find your post so we could figure out what it was and learn more about it :) Thanks for sharing!
Saw one on ny fence this evening. First time I’ve seen one here in Groves, Texas (between Beaumont and Port Arthur)
They certainly catch my “eye” when I see one!
I saw my first Eyed Click Beetle, in Newaygo County, Michigan, July 17, 2021. It somehow ended up in my bird water, and was swimming, and couldn’t get out. Like other folks, I had never seen one before. Nature is so interesting!
I’ve only seen a few even though I know they are here nearby. They sure are noticeable, especially when doing the front crawl in your bird’s bath!
I saw one yesterday under my carport. It stood out against the gray concrete and when I approached it the bug flapped its wings and flew a few feet away into the grass. It was the first time I’ve seen a bug like that in my yard so of course I wanted to know what kind it was. I live on the coast of North Carolina.
They certainly are “eye catching” ! Thanks for sharing.
Saw this one in my yard June 21st 2021. As soon as I picked it up I Knew it was some sort of Click Beatle. It was 2 inches long. Fascinating . 20 miles inland from Cherry Grove SC. Got a good photo.
You’re braver than I am to pick it up. They are quite something to look at!
My wife found a click beetle in the back yard. It actually flew into into her hair and she reflexively slapped it away. She picked it up and it began clicking. After showing it to me she released it unharmed as we knew it to be good for ridding plant life of damaging insects and or their larvae. We’re 12 miles north/north west of Houston, Texas. 05/10/2022. Allen Bills
I’m sure it was a shock to find one on her hair! Quite the “Close Encounter!”
I found one on the shoulder of my granddaughter’s swim shirt while playing in her pool. We are in Oak Ridge, TN.
I wonder if your grand-daughter rescued it from drowning!
Just saw one on the back patio – Baltimore MD. It crawled near the door and we went in the house!
Glad it stayed outside where it belongs!
I slowed down near a traffic light in Rhode Island on a woodsy road and I saw this giant thing fly by my open passenger window, and I tried closing my window before it flew in but of course this giant thing made its way in and landed on the passenger floor. I watched it try to balance on a crumpled receipt as I looked for a place to stop but the road had no breakdown lane so I had to turn into a police station lot and I opened the door and found it trying to crawl up the center console. I tried to get it to stand on a folder but it wouldn’t comply so I had to slowly push it onto the floor with the folder. I backed away from the door and it finally flew back outside lol
That was kind of you and I’m sure it was not fun sharing a small space with an unknown huge insect!
I was golfing in New Jersey yesterday, and saw one on the grass, I had never seen one before, and I thought it had quite an interesting, almost stunning appearance with those big “eyes”.
I found one today just laying in grass. I live in Lancaster County, PA
I seen one today under my back steps my grand kids found it creepy. We let it go about its way
They are quite something!
I had one of these come inside with me the other day… on my neck. I felt something when I reached up to scratch and screamed and flung it across the room
I’m not a fan of most bugs. like. I don’t go out of my way to harm them, I’m a live and let live kind of person. But things that land on me (unless it’s something I know isn’t gonna hurt me like a dragonfly or ladybug or rolypoly) get smacked. The exception to all that is moths. Moths need to stay at least ten feet away from me. I. Will. Run. (possibly screaming) from them. Idk they just freak me out.
I’m also in coastal central Florida.
I think anyone who has one of these land on them has earned the right to scream! I hope if you see one again it is at a respectable distance!
One was on our covered deck—I had never seen any bug lime that and wondered if it was a strange cicada until I looked it up online. The eyes were got to me—almost like a “space alien” to a wild imagination, I could see it previewing in Star Wars or even Spider-Man!
Yes, they do look pretty not of this world!