Simply Beautiful

I don’t have anything special to say today so I’m just going to share a few photos from the year that appeal to me.

Utterly Adorable

Photo of Ruby Crowned Kinglet Adorable on NaturalCrooksDotCom
This Ruby-crowned Kinglet posed momentarily, then darted off again.

I love Kinglets. They are spunky, unafraid of me (actually oblivious to me!), incredibly energetic and utterly adorable. Who can resist these tiny grey-green birds?

Ruby-crowned Kinglets have a white “ring” around the eye. Golden-crowned Kingets have a darkish line through the eye and a white “eyebrow” topped by a dark cap which can give them an annoyed look. Their Ruby and Gold crowns are not always puffed up so it’s easier to identify them by their eyes or their calls.

Photo of Golden Crowned Kinglet Cute Pose on NaturalCrooksDotComThis Golden-crowned Kinglet seems to be doing a chin up while looking for midges.

Amusing and Unassuming

I often feel like I am related to a Hermit Thrush. They look somewhat round and plump. They often stand with their wings drooping even though they are not discouraged. And they hurry a few steps then stop, preferably on a stump, log or rock, and look around for a minute or two.

Photo of Hermit Thrush Adorable on NaturalCrooksDotCom

This pose really amused me. This Hermit Thrush looks far more comfortable than I would if I tried standing on a flag pole.

Curious and Reflective

Most birds eat at least some insects and so I often see them looking up, under, around and on top of leaves and twigs. It makes them appear curious even if they are just hungry. And sometimes it makes them look thoughtful, although their thought may be simply is that a twig or a twig-like caterpillar?

Photo of Yellow Rumped Warbler Cute Pose on NaturalCrooksDotCom

This Yellow-rumped Warbler paused for a minute on a Buckthorn branch.

Time To Search for More Feathered Favourites

Well, the sun is shining even if it’s frosty-freezy. So I think I’d better make the most of it and get out for a walk. I hope I’ll see a few more birds behaving beautifully.

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