The Posers: Black-throated Green Warblers Stand Still For Photos

As I spent more time chasing small warblers through the woods, I discovered some of the birds I was “good” at photographing were actually “The Posers.” Like Black and White Warblers, Black-throated Green Warblers will often stand still long enough for me to immortalize them.

Photo of Black Throated Green Warbler Singing on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Why Aren’t They Called Yellow-headed Black-throated Warblers?

I don’t know who got to choose the names for the warblers, but I find it surprising that this one is called a Black-throated Green Warbler. The dominant colour to me is Yellow! The Green, by the way, refers to that patch behind the head on the “shoulders.”

The reality is that many warblers have yellow heads, and the name was already used for another bird.

Like other Posers, these warblers will continue hunting for insects to eat even if that takes them close to humans.

Photo of Black Throated Green Head on NaturalCrooksDotCom

They often walk along bare branches but they will also work through thickets.

Fairly Common Warblers in South Mississauga in May

Photo of Black Throated Green Eye on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Another reason I can usually get a photo of this warbler is that there are quite a few of them passing through each spring in Mississauga. It’s more likely one will drop down into view near me, unlike, say Canada Warblers which are not as abundant near me.

Do All Black-throated Green Warblers Have Black Throats?

Photo of Black Throated Green Chest on NaturalCrooksDotCom

It’s pretty easy to match the above male Black-throated Green Warbler to the photos in the field guides. However, female and immature Black-throated Greens actually have a white throat.

Maybe this spring I can get a decent photo of a female to add to my collection. I hope so!

Photo of Black Throated Green Flower on NaturalCrooksDotCom

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