Hoping for Hepaticas

It’s a snowy February morning as I write and I’m tired of it. So when I saw some of the following photos today, I thought I would share them. I’m already hoping for Hepaticas — and Trilliums and Bloodroot and Spring Beauties — even though it will be another few snowstorms yet.

Photo of Hepaticas on NaturalCrooksDotCom
Photo, with thanks, by GL Crooks

Hepaticas Spring Up Beneath the Trees

I grew up in eastern Ontario much of which is land too thinly-soiled and rocky to be good for farming. So there are many forests though they probably have all be logged at some time. In less disturbed areas in spring, under the trees, beautiful clusters of flowers burst out.

Photo of Hepaticas 4 on NaturalCrooksDotComDeterminedly, Hepaticas will push right through leaves, around sticks and raspberry canes.

They are shockingly colourful against the drab dull dead leaves.

Hepaticas, both sharp-lobed and round-lobed, are so vivid as to almost astonish the eye.

Photo of Hepatica Leaves on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Their lobed leaves are often hidden making the flowers even more surprising.

Photo of Hepaticas 3 on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Like several other forest flowers, they bloom before the deciduous trees leaf out. Then they mute back into the background until next spring.

Photo of Hepaticas 2 on NaturalCrooksDotCom

I wonder if I’ll get a chance to wander through the woods admiring them this spring? Sure hope so !

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