Still Waiting for Spring

It’s been a busy cold week–I even had ice pellets pelting me! On the one day when the clouds ripped apart, I went for another walk around Winston Woods. Just as I finished, the skies opened and icy rain stormed down. I would be really happy to have a fair day with 10 C temperatures, if anyone can put an order in for one!

Singing Up a Storm

Photo of Northern Cardinal Singing on NaturalCrooksDotCom

This male Northern Cardinal thinks spring is close enough that he was defending his territory. Or he is the one who sang in the storm.

Not North Yet

Photo of Dark Eyed Junco Winston on NaturalCrooksDotCom

It took time for me to figure out who was singing in a thicket. Three Dark-eyed Juncos were down on the forest floor hunting for food. Soon they will be off on their journey north for the summer — but they haven’t left yet.

Another Nuthatch Noted

Photo of White Breasted Nuthatch Winston on NaturalCrooksDotCom
This time the Nuthatch I spotted was a White-breasted. Last walk, it was a Red-breasted. So that’s both of the local Nuthatch types noted.

Woodpecker Seeks Same

Photo of Red Bellied Woodpecker Winston on NaturalCrooksDotCom
I’ve seen a female Red-belled Woodpecker several times now at Winston Woods. What I haven’t clearly seen is a male. So I hope that she soon will have a partner and a tree trunk full of insect-eating offspring.

Overall, it was a quiet walk, although there were several dogs and their people out too. I keep hoping for a Brown Creeper, a Kinglet or a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Actually, I’m also still expecting to see a Chickadee or two. Strangely enough I haven’t even heard any in this woodlot. So I expect I will be back again, if not this week, then the next.

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