The Butterflies Are Back

The forecast was rain but I risked a walk through the nearby meadow this morning. The butterflies are back and it’s wonderful to see them.

Satyr-ically Speaking

Photo of Little Wood Satyr Goldenrod on NaturalCrooksDotCom

There were about a dozen Little Wood Satyrs exploring along the lower branches of the line of Grey Dogwood bushes. I don’t know if their caterpillars feed on dogwood or not. I also don’t know if there is a Large Wood Satyr somewhere: there isn’t here in southern Ontario.

Pic of Peck

Well I haven’t had time to pick a peck of pickled peppers, but I did take a pic of a Peck’s.

Photo of Pecks Skipper Birds Foot Trefoil on NaturalCrooksDotCom

In fact I took pictures of about six Peck’s skippers and watched several more. So maybe I got a six-Peck of skippers?

Clouds But No Rain

I saw two Northern Cloudywings, both in new locations compared to previous years. The location that often has a “big flock” hasn’t had any yet this year, but I’ll keep looking.

Photo of Northern Cloudywing Path on NaturalCrooksDotCom

The two today spent a lot of time sipping nectar from purple Vetch. It was easier to focus on this one when it landed on the trail though.

Still No Sight of Cabbages

There are many domestic plants along the trail. Most of them were dumped illegally here from gardens; some seeded here. I’ve never seen a Cabbage here though, nor any other garden vegetables. (Well, aside from a wheelbarrow-load of huge, spoiled zucchini.) There always seems to be a few Cabbage White butterflies though.

Photo of Cabbage White Vetch on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Tawny-edged in the Tulgy

The first few Tawny-edged Skippers were asserting their territorial rights today. They will chase any other butterfly that comes into their airspace.

Photo of Tawny Edged Skipper Crown Vetch on NaturalCrooksDotCom

The Only European I Met Today

There are lots of Europeans in the Toronto area but the only one I met today along the trail was a European Skipper.

Photo of European Skipper Crown Vetch on NaturalCrooksDotCom

I have to look carefully at these simply coloured skippers as there are also a few Delaware Skippers along the trail later in the summer.

Let’s Hear It for the Girls with Curls

This Common Ringlet doesn’t look particularly like curly hair to me. Some of the common names are a bit lacking in common sense.

Photo of Common Ringlet on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Not a Moth-er Butterfly

A fair number of grass moths were flying today, too. And a Ctenucha. This Grass Veneer decided appropriately to land on a blade of grass.

Photo of Grass Veneer Grass on NaturalCrooksDotCom

Flowers For All

Many types of wildflowers are in bloom including some mini Morning Glories.

Photo of Wildflower on NaturalCrooksDotCom

I keyed these ones out once but I’ve forgotten what they were. I like the ones with the bit of pink near the centre best.

Birds on the Wire

Most of the birds were defending nests and delivering food. This Grey Catbird took time out to sing on behalf of everyone. (Catbirds mimic.)

Photo of Grey Catbird Sings on NaturalCrooksDotCom

I’m not quite sure what the fuzz was all about.

Overall, it was a very pleasant walk and the rain stayed away till later in the day!

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